Is WordPress Really The Best For Your Business?

  • By Tyler Aldridge
  • 31 Oct, 2016
Everyone knows about or has heard of WordPress. It is one of the most known website building system with 26% of the internet powered by it. From high end boutiques to adventure seeking bloggers, WordPress has allowed its users to choose from a wide range of themes and customize it to fit their brand’s vision. As amazing and versatile as WordPress seems, it still might not be the best choice for everyone. Doesn’t WordPress offer affordable plans, including a free... Read More Read More

Everyone knows about or has heard of WordPress. It is one of the most known website building system with 26% of the internet powered by it. From high end boutiques to adventure seeking bloggers, WordPress has allowed its users to choose from a wide range of themes and customize it to fit their brand’s vision. As amazing and versatile as WordPress seems, it still might not be the best choice for everyone.

Doesn’t WordPress offer affordable plans, including a free plan?

WordPress does offer affordable plans that can seem to relieve financial strain on businesses, specifically start ups or small – medium sized businesses, but eventually things add up and the end cost will not be pretty. When creating a website on WordPress that will increase your marketing and bring attention, even profit, to your business, no matter the plan, you will face expenses such as:

    • Hosting
    • An SSL Certificate
    • WordPress Themes & Plugins
    • Support when something on your website goes wrong. (Which actually happens often!)

The Elegant Themes blog states that, “After everything is added together, it can cost as much as $33,162.18 per year to run a WordPress site.” While you’re probably less likely to spend 33,000 a year on a WordPress website, you’re more likely be spending no less than $800 a year on it with the cost only increasing the longer you keep your site. Yes WordPress does offer a plan where you can create website is free, but you risk your website being limited with a certain numbers of themes with little or no ability for customization, a chosen WordPress subdomain, no marketing benefits, and having your website overrun with Ads.

Since it’s free, shouldn’t WordPress have amazing support?

Even with amazing strides in technological innovations, things still have their own glitches including WordPress. Doing the slightest adjustments such as updating themes or plugins, even WordPress itself, can wipe out an entire website, leaving you with what some of the WP community call “The White Screen of Death”. Since WordPress offers a free plan, support is limited to those with actually paid plans, leaving those with glitches to searching for less reliable community support via the online forum. This has left people frustrated and with no other choice, but to delete their website and start from scratch.

Isn’t it super easy to create a website on WordPress?

If you are very tech savvy or know how to manage a website, then yes, but most people without the proper understanding of the in’s and out’s of WordPress will struggle at the slightest little snag. It’s not as simple as A,B,C when creating a new website on WordPress, you have to have knowledge such as:

    • How to care and maintain a site that runs on WordPress
    • If and when to update Plugins and Themes so that you don’t break something
    • Learning and using features within a Theme, and so on

Another part of the learning curve that most people find the hardest part about creating a website on WordPress is the actual designing of it. Although WordPress has page builders than can make it seem like it was done by a true web designer, without knowing how to manipulate the page builder’s color and images to make your website a true visual representation of your business, than your website can look like any basic website and could fail to connect with your audience.

What’s a better alternative to WordPress?

There are many great choices to WordPress’ website building system that will not only be affordable many businesses, new or old, but is easy to customize and offers great support. WebAct uses the dynamic website builder by Duda that uses an easy drag-and-drop system with tons of great features including pop ups, photo galleries, click-to-buttons, and built-in blogs that are fully customizable at a affordable price. Every one of our websites is multi-device optimized so your visitors will always get the best experience whether by desktop, tablet, or mobile. Plus, it comes with automatic software updates for when new technology comes out, backups so you will never lose your content, and even an undo button in case you make a mistake. We also offer email and live chat support for any issue you might come across.

WebAct is also a certified advertising partners on the internet’s top networks which allows us to place ads for your business nearly anywhere on the web. Our goal is to maximize your company’s ROI by constantly optimizing your ads in the ever-changing world of digital marketing. We also have Domain Registration, business email, and can even handle all social media pages. If your looking to create an amazing profitable website at an affordable price, check out WebAct today!

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